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Nice puzzle design. Stuck at 2-5 and 3-5 for a while, really enjoyed.


GG, this was super fun! The puzzles were very clever!


I enjoyed a lot, feel smart solving this small puzzles :P


Fun puzzles! Weirdly slow on my computer though. Especially when restarting.

(9 edits) (+1)

Walkthrough for this fun balloon puzzle - Get Some Helium

Click here for Puzzle Walkthrough


Amazing game!

Is level 1-5 even possible?

it's indeed possible, hint - how to reach that air tank at the left without trapping yourself?

The solution seems so obvious now after a break


So amazing! I loved it! I want mooore!


wow, amazing and unique puzzle game!


really cool game, i hope you make more levels


WHAT. (really good game)


there is a bug where if you move before the loading finishes you can accualy move out of the level


oh well you're right, thanks for reporting! will include that fix in the post jam update


My 2 brain cells needed the work out. Great game!


Great mechanic and well implemented! Keen to see if you take this further. 😁